Jobless rate falls across district
COLAC’S jobless rate has fallen to below Victorian and national levels in the latest figures, with just 340 people unemployed and major employers increasing their search for workers.
Minister predicting dairy sector growth
Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce says the dairy crisis is a “short-term” problem and he has reassured Colac district dairy farmers demand for dairy products will increase.
Residents reconnected to phone and internet
Workers have restored telecommunication connections in a Colac street after residents spent two weeks without phone and internet services.
Mum’s quest to honour daughter
Colac’s Lynette Robertson is using the loss of her child to help others through their grief and is hosting a gala ball to raise money for Red Nose Saving Little Lives.
Colac phone outage puts lives in danger
A Colac man with serious medical conditions is desperate to get his phone line reconnected after suffering through more than two weeks of no connection.
Police recover band’s instruments
Colac City Band members will be sounding out noise in celebration after Colac detectives recovered instruments stolen from the group.
New emergency app is set to save lives
A new app launched in Colac and Elliminyt is aiming to improve response times to emergencies in the area and improve survival rates.
Old school buildings demolished
The former Gellibrand Primary School is the latest school in the region to have its buildings removed after sitting empty for almost a decade.