Fundraiser close to $20K
The Colac community has contributed almost $20,000 to the Long Road Appeal at a function which paid tribute to Colac sportsman Rick Burnett
Show labelled ‘disappointing’
A Colac youth worker has described a documentary about homophobic attitudes in the city as “disappointing”.
Bridge attracts cash after man’s crusade
A Colac man’s call for a pedestrian bridge at Colac’s Wilson Street has been answered with a $150,000 funding commitment from the State Government.
Building named after Brother
Trinity College Colac students and staff will honour the contributions of founding principal Brother Kevin Tuck on Friday.
Colac district soldier receives avenue tree
A Colac family honoured the memory of fallen soldier Private Ted Taylor yesterday with the replanting of a tree at Eurack’s avenue of honour.
Apollo Bay community supports show’s return
Apollo Bay residents are throwing their support behind next year’s agricultural show as preparations begin to bring the event back.
Community calling for bridge walkway
Polwarth Australian Country Alliance candidate Phil Edge is leading a push to improve pedestrian safety at a bridge on Colac’s Wilson Street.
Carer represents Colac at meeting
A Colac district carer says she hopes to raise the issues and concerns of south-west Victorian carers at a national conference later this month.