News Businesses want compensation following Otways ride BUSINESS owners want compensation after a bike ride through the Otways slashed their weekend earnings. By Aidan FawkesSeptember 21, 2011 Educators expect trade training green light COLAC education leaders hope to receive a green light within weeks to start building the city’s trade training centre. By Jennifer ChiuSeptember 21, 2011 Odds against farmers if miners find coal-seam gas A FEDERAL Senator says “the odds are stacked against farmers” if mining companies find coal-seam gas in the Colac region. By Colac Herald ContributorSeptember 21, 2011 Colac butcher snags sausage awards A COLAC butcher’s sausages have sizzled at regional awards. By Alex WhiteSeptember 21, 2011 Speed victim’s family talks to students The family of a speeding victim will discuss their tragedy and its effects when they talk to Colac Secondary College students. By Jennifer ChiuSeptember 21, 2011 Trek will provide leadership skills A TWO-DAY hike aims to give Colac and district girls life experience and leadership skills. By Jennifer ChiuSeptember 21, 2011 Newest Aussies include first from Morocco THE Colac district has three new Australian citizens, including its first Moroccan-born resident to be naturalised. By Colac Herald ContributorSeptember 19, 2011 Milk truck and car collide A TRUCK driver went to hospital and a woman miraculously walked away after a milk tanker and a car collided and overturned near Simpson. By Alex WhiteSeptember 19, 2011 « 1 … 2,238 2,239 2,240 2,241 2,242 2,243 2,244 2,245 2,246 2,247 2,248 … 2,399 »