Unemployment rates plummet across Colac district
Colac Otway’s unemployment rate has hit a historic low.
Apollo Bay lobby group ponders new name
Apollo Bay’s new community action group could have a name later this month, with suggestions for its title ramping up.
PHOTO FEATURE: Colac’s tai chi tribute
Members of Colac Otway U3A have joined in a worldwide celebration of tai chi.
Surf Coast backs the Voice
A First Nations Voice to Parliament has the backing of Surf Coast Shire Council, but it’s not unanimous.
Backing for buried powerlines
Wannon MP Dan Tehan says an Apollo Bay-led petition pushing for underground powerlines can hopefully spark more debate to help communities with similar issues achieve the same goal.
Council ceases offset purchase
Colac Otway Shire Council has stopped paying for emissions offsets until the community can have its say on the shire’s Environment Strategy and Climate Action Plan.
New design out for Winch hut
Surf Coast Shire community members can give their feedback on community-led designs for the replacement of Winchelsea’s riverside Mud Hut shelter.
Colac Otway Shire staff protest to save jobs
A lower standard of care and potential job losses is the motivation behind a Colac Otway Shire Council staff petition aiming to keep the council delivering in-home aged care services.