Manager returns to Corangamite for the top job
Corangamite Shire Council has a new chief executive officer and he’s no stranger to the Corangamite Shire.
Warning to steer clear of Apollo Bay seals
Sightings of two fur seals at Apollo Bay have led authorities to remind people how to keep themselves and the seals safe.
Hiking trail ready in months
The Twelve Apostles Trail between Timboon and Port Campbell should be fully ready for cyclists, hikers and runners to enjoy by July.
District dog trainer thrives on her work
“It’s just a bit of freedom I never knew I’d have the option to feel in my life.”
Rural Scene news in brief
Preventing spray drift, a national award for a volunteer program, grants to control a noxious weed, and new guides for crop disease.
A recent renovation has transformed this home at 159 Main Street, Elliminyt, into a modern marvel.
Spirit flows through creations
Dreeite’s Sharen Jeffries hopes that people feel the energy in her art and create a connection between their soul and the spirit of the work.