Fighting mental health stigma
A Colac fundraiser will encourage community members to walk the walk and talk the talk to raise awareness for mental health.
Bluewater closure due to tech failure
Colac’s Bluewater pool has closed to the public until further notice, after issues with water quality equipment.
Hunting for gold in the Otways
The Hunt for the Golden Gumboot is back in the Otways every day these school holidays, offering an array of fun and free adventures, plus new surprises.
FALLS FLEES: Festival relocates to Melbourne amid tribunal delay
Just as Colac Otway Shire was celebrating landing one of Australia’s biggest music festivals, disappointment has replaced excitement, with organisers relocating the iconic Falls Festival to Melbourne.
EDITORIAL: Tough questions for region on Falls
Here are some questions we should be asking in the wake of losing the Falls Festival.
Bridge upgrades for trail
A popular walking and cycling trail will close for six weeks for vital bridge replacements, but managers say they need almost $1 million for future work to keep the trail open.
Historic procession marked monarch’s funeral
A look back at the archives has revealed how Colac reacted to the death of a much-loved monarch more than 120 years ago.
District motorists behave
Colac police are happy to report they detected no drink driving in Colac during local football and netball grand finals at the weekend.