Articles by Colac Herald Contributor
$2.8m for Colac hydrotherapy pool
COLAC has secured $2.8 million for a new hydrotherapy pool, with the announcement coming on the anniversary of pool campaigner Helen Schmitt’s death.
Choose children or walking track
COLAC leaders might have to choose between supporting children with special needs or the future of a safe walking track for the community.
Third Liberal stands for Corangamite
A THIRD Liberal Party nominee for the Corangamite electorate has emerged at the eleventh hour.
Colac luring Melbourne residents
COLAC Otway Shire Council staff say hundreds of Melbourne people are interested in moving to the Colac district.
Rising costs hurting families
A COLAC community group leader says a 10-per-cent price hike for water, on top of other rising bills, is of “grave concern”.
Wind farms blamed for road damage
STATE MP Simon Ramsay says “mismanagement” of wind farms is to blame for south-west Victoria’s deteriorating roads.
Coastal water restrictions ending
APOLLO Bay district residents can water lawns and gardens any time from Sunday morning.
Lucky winners off to Syncopation
READERS can win tickets to this weekend’s dance show Syncopation, choreographed by Mark Hodge of Dancing with the Stars.