Quick patch on Princes Highway
A series of deep potholes on the Princes Highway that caused damage to multiple vehicles over the weekend have been patched by VicRoads. But a driver who hit the potholes has called it a “shocking patch-up job”.
Health service merger discussions continue
The State Government says decisions around merging or restructuring health services have not been made and discussions are ongoing.
Saw-blade thief stung hefty fine
A 45-year-old man who stole saw blades by pocketing them down his pants has received a $400 fine.
First year for community centre
Marking one year since the opening of Colac Salvos’ community centre, the highlight for Paul Trotter and Josiah Van Niekerk has been seeing the “growth and connection within the community”.
Third adjournment over Colac oval fence damage
A Colac district man who allegedly damaged fences at two Colac ovals has had his court case adjourned for the third time.
Speed alerts arrive
VicRoads staff have been busy installing 40kmh speed limit signs in central Colac this week.
Policy changes to be considered
Colac Otway Shire Council is set to update its purchasing rules, as well as guidelines for handling complaints.
Proposed place of last resort for Apollo Bay
Apollo Bay could soon have a formal bushfire place of last of resort again, six months after the former site was decommissioned due to excessive vegetation.