Touching story behind winning textile piece
A tragedy has inspired Chrissy LoRicco’s latest artistic creation that has won her a CrossXpollinatioN prize.
Attendance pushes prices up
Rising cattle prices and an increased yarding greeted buyers at Colac’s weekly cattle market.
More hunters have sights on state’s dear
Hunters are harvesting more deer and more people are hunting, new Game Management Authority statistics show.
Mini-baby boom keeps ward busy
It may be too early to tell whether a pandemic baby boom will hit Colac, but our hospital’s maternity ward welcomed an above-average number of newborns into the world last month.
Exceptional quality at annual ram sale
Colac’s annual ram sale has met expectations; exceptional quality animals sold to high demand and prices.
Be alert for scammers’ tactics
Colac police are warning people to be wary of scams and to report them to authorities, with Australians having lost more than $15 million last month through scams.
Escaped fires causing trouble
Escaped private fires caused more than a quarter of Victoria’s wildfires in the past 10 bushfire seasons, new Country Fire Authority data shows.
Be aware of risks from thunderstorm asthma
Ambulance Victoria is urging people to be aware of the symptoms of asthma and know when to call for help.