Forrest takes proactive steps to fire readiness
A Forrest community podcast has enlisted experts to shine a light on bushfire impacts in a “bottom-up” preparedness initiative.
News in brief
Colac children and their families are having online help as they transition from primary to secondary school during a disrupted year.
Farmer joins board
Sam Simpson has stepped up her involvement in the herd improvement industry with her recent election to the DataGene board.
Flood mapping change
Victoria’s Planning Minister Richard Wynne has ticked off a change that will help slash red tape and improve planning efficiency for a host of Colac and district residents.
Long grass angers community
Winchelsea residents say they’re fed up with the “unsatisfactory and embarrassing” state of outdoor public spaces and are petitioning Surf Coast Shire Council to reinstate a permanent maintenance team.
Comments open on battery proposal
Plans for a proposed $100-million Terang electricity battery are open for public viewing ahead of State Planning Minister Richard Wynne’s decision on whether to approve the project.