Public not satisfied with roads
Colac Otway’s community report card has slipped two points on last year.
Case numbers could rise
Colac’s testing blitz means the city’s figures will likely increase this week, and health authorities are strongly recommending residents wear masks.
Mask helped protect customers, coworker
Another Colac business has recorded a positive case of COVID-19, but the state health department says it’s not cause for alarm.
Mayor pushing for school and aged care lockdown
The Colac community has backed calls for stage three restrictions on the city’s schools and nursing homes.
Colac cases hit 55 amid testing blitz
Colac Otway has recorded four new COVID-19 cases taking its total tally up to 55, as the region’s authorities and community members ramp up protection measures to further prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Birds to boost rebuild
A duck advocate group says domestic birdwatching could be a lifeline to rebuild regional tourism in locations like Colac, helping to boost the economy hit by the coronavirus pandemic.
Tree hazard at park
Otways tourist destination Maits Rest has temporarily closed just weeks after reopening to the public.