Emotions shine in abstract artworks
A Pennyroyal artist with British roots has handled a paintbrush since she was a teenager but has recently started testing her skills in textiles.
Landslip preventions
Vital roadworks will aim to prevent road closures due to landslips on some of the region’s most popular tourist routes.
Chance to work at ALC
Colac’s Australian Lamb Company is welcoming people to apply for new job opportunities as it ramps up its production.
Church’s prayers answered
Colac Uniting Church has started to welcome back church members for face-to-face masses but is looking forward to when all members of its congregation can attend.
Proud to keep things clean
Colac Area Health’s Raelene Anderson counts herself lucky to have been able to continue working during the coronavirus pandemic.
Call to repair erosion while lake level is low
A Lake Colac campaigner says the current health of the lake couldn’t be better but says urgent action is needed to fix shore erosion.
Social housing applicant drop
The number of people applying for social housing in the Barwon region fell slightly between December and March.
Going green
Colac Otway Shire Council is going greener, electing to buy electricity from 100-per-cent renewable power from Wednesday.