CRASH CENTRAL: Call for roundabout at horror intersection
A COLAC district police officer says road authorities should install a roundabout on a notorious tourist route to help prevent crashes.
SALAD SCANDAL: Salmonella case affects buyer habits
A COLAC grocer says a salmonella outbreak on a Victorian farm has had no impact on his lettuce and spinach supplies.
SPECIAL VISITOR: Treasurer highlights Bulla’s innovative products
STATE Treasurer Tim Pallas has used a trip to Colac to meet with Bulla officials and staff to talk about a State Government industry fund.
BANDING TOGETHER: Baby’s brain tumour inspires generosity
COLAC residents have rallied together to help the family of 10-month-old Hamish Hayes, who has an inoperable brain tumour.
MOTIVATED: Bowie and friendship inspire cancer fundraiser
A COLAC woman is using a cancer diagnosis and her love of David Bowie as motivation for a fundraising event for the Long Road Appeal.
GHOST BABY: Ghostly footage goes worldwide
A COLAC district woman says she struggled to sleep after seeing what appeared to be a ghostly figure hovering over her baby on the screen of a baby monitor.
CRIME SHOCK: Colac children face knife and theft charges
THREE Colac children aged between 10 to 13 have pleaded guilty to a Colac crime spree, with the magistrate warning them to clean up their lives.
PUMPED: Purple push promotes philanthropic project
COLAC businesses and services are getting ready to “paint the town purple” next week to promote the city’s annual Cancer Council Relay for Life.