Supermarket plans open for comment
RESIDENTS and business owners can view the complete planning application for Colac’s proposed Coles supermarket development from today.
Parks sea-change for former farmer
A PARKS VICTORIA ranger says more people have become interested in the state’s national parks during his 35 years in the role.
Traders want action on garden bed mess
COLAC traders are frustrated that civic leaders have refused to immediately clean up messy garden beds in the city’s main street.
Crash has lasting impact on Colac teen
COLAC’S Khalid Eldib, 15, reflects on the horrific traffic smash that changed his life forever.
Road workers take to abseiling
ROAD contractors are taking their work to new heights, using abseiling skills to repair sections of the cliff along the Great Ocean Road.
School bus driver worried by crumbling road
A COLAC-based school-bus company owner is concerned about the Timboon-Colac Road’s safety and says “it’s only a matter of time” before there’s a serious crash.
Mobile phone monitoring cuts water losses
A NEW mobile phone system is helping farmers easily detect water leaks and decrease water waste.
Investment in Lorne shore
GREAT OCEAN ROAD Coast Committee is spending $200,000 in the next financial year to begin upgrades on the Lorne foreshore.