Online resource for Colac artists
A NEW website to promote artists and the arts in the Colac district will go online next month.
Region road deaths prompt safety plea
COLAC’S road safety group has called on motorists to help stop the carnage on our roads after five fatalities in south-west Victoria this year.
Best prices in 20 years at Colac two-day sale
COLAC’S leading stock agent says the first day of Colac’s weaner sale could have been the best in decades.
Fire threat stays despite storms
THE COUNTRY Fire Authority is warning Colac and district people to stay vigilant about fire danger despite heavy rain this month.
Council assures safety a priority
CONTRACTORS will continue work on a car park at Apollo Bay despite the discovery of asbestos sheeting in soil removed from the site.
Fuel-price watchdog set for investigation
A FEDERAL business watchdog will look into petrol pricing in three rural areas, but is yet to reveal whether Colac will be part of the inquiry.
Colac cancer patient backs push for clinic
A COLAC man who has testicular cancer says establishing a cancer treatment centre in Colac would help people fighting cancer.
Surgeries increase at Colac hospital
COLAC HOSPITAL has had a seven-per-cent rise in surgery numbers in the past year.