News Film dream almost reality A dream could become an $180,000 reality for two Colac district filmmakers. By Alex WhiteMarch 21, 2011 New lease on life for memorial A historic avenue of trees honouring Colac district soldiers will receive a new lease on life. By Carla OkaiMarch 21, 2011 Colac district man could leave Japan A former Colac district man living in disaster ravaged Japan wants to get out of the country. By Alex WhiteMarch 18, 2011 Classic convertible carries top citizens Rex Murrell’s 1966 Ford Thunderbolt convertible is sure to turn heads when it travels down Colac’s Murray Street in tomorrow’s Kana parade. By Lucinda OrmondeMarch 18, 2011 Student apartments still eluding hospital Colac appears unlikely to receive apartment accommodation for visiting health students. By Brett WorthingtonMarch 18, 2011 Help for heroin addicts remains Recovering heroin addicts will have methadone services in Colac for the foreseeable future. By Brett WorthingtonMarch 18, 2011 Factory closure puts profits first A union official says a food processor’s decision to close its Simpson cheese factory has put “profits before people”. By Carla OkaiMarch 18, 2011 Student makes epic bike ride Dion Thomas was late for school this week, but his teachers didn’t mind. By Lucinda OrmondeMarch 18, 2011 « 1 … 2,354 2,355 2,356 2,357 2,358 2,359 2,360 2,361 2,362 2,363 2,364 … 2,403 »