Life-saving device for gym
A new defibrillator at a Colac gym will provide peace of mind to members and staff, thanks to the support of Colac Ladies Daytime Squash Club.
Councillor challenges Amnesty
A Colac shire councillor has lodged a complaint to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, after claiming they were barred from nominating for Amnesty International’s elections because they are transgender.
Foundation chair unveiled
New Colac Area Health Foundation chair Leigh Rich is set to bring a wealth of experience to the role and says he jumped at the opportunity to support Colac’s health service.
Police out in force for holiday
Colac police will be ready and waiting for motorists doing the wrong thing on the roads this long weekend.
Eye-opening day at TAFE
Course information and career advice was on offer at Colac’s South West TAFE campus’s open day this week.
Boost for local shire
A former City of Greater Geelong chief has temporarily joined the Colac Otway Shire Council’s finance department.
Future to have say on roadmap
Colac Otway Shire Council is calling on the community and its young people to provide feedback on an environmental sustainability roadmap that will guide the council for the next decade.
No cash for BMX study in budget
A former Colac mountain bike rider says it’s a shame that Colac still doesn’t have a BMX bike park, with Colac Otway Shire Council underestimating the cost of a feasibility study and not allocating any further money to the project.