Mother’s Day speeder fined
A Melbourne mum who was caught travelling faster than 180kmh on the Princes Highway near Birregurra was focusing on maps instead of the speedo, a court has heard.
Aged-care home upgrade
Colac Area Health is seeking a builder to lead a renovation of Corangamarah aged-care home, which will integrate indoor and outdoor areas and cause little disruption for residents.
Legacy’s relay to pass by
Colac will be part of Legacy Australia’s centenary celebrations next year when a centenary torch relay makes its way through the city.
Captain faces up to challenge
A Port Campbell volunteer has celebrated her first National Volunteer Week as a CFA captain.
Dedicated volunteers praised
Colac Area Health volunteers like Dorothy McCallum and Ray Maxwell make a world of difference to the health service and their wider community.
A half-century of saving lives
It’s been 48 years since Colac’s Gerard Kelly made his first blood donation, and this week he notched up his 145th donation.
Mental health help for GPs
A landmark project investigating the barriers GPs in the Great South Coast face when working with people at risk of suicide has highlighted the need for more support for doctors and systemic reform.
Support for carer
A $2000 scholarship will help make a big difference to a Colac disability carer’s course to qualification.