News in Brief
The latest news in brief including trees cut down in the Colac Botanic Gardens, unauthorised work at a Birregurra property
Future rural land plans
Plans for a four-lot subdivision in Cororooke have crossed Colac Otway Shire Council planning officers’ desks.
Community responds to plan
Controversy over the relocation of the CFA’s running track, better toilets, a push to keep the garden fence and concerns regarding the event space – that’s the community feedback on the Colac Otway Shire Council’s draft Colac Botanic Gardens master plan.
Colac housing plan seeks council approval
Colac’s Gravesend Street could get three brand news houses including two two-storey houses, under a proposal from developers.
Long-awaited Birre street fix to start soon
A long-awaited road reconstruction in Birregurra should be completed by the end of November.
Sacred Heart shines during Book Week
An acrobatic performance from Sacred Heart Primary School principal Jack Lenaghan almost stole the show during Book Week celebrations.
Lorne surfing icon helps capture era through film
Capturing what surfing was like in Australia at its purest just had to include insights from Lorne’s Wayne Lynch.
Race meet continues to evolve
The Colac Herald Christmas Races has evolved since the early years when punters rolled up to the track with their esky full looking to fill their boots and wallets.