Australia Day
Surf Coast flags discussions on role of Australia Day
Surf Coast Shire Council will consult with the shire’s Aboriginal communities about how to appropriately acknowledge January 26 in future years.
Australia Day review on agenda
A shire councillor wants to ensure the community is included in shaping future Colac Otway Shire’s Australia Day events and is calling for talks with the public before the council makes a decision.
Beef pioneer leaves big legacy
Former Colac district beef breeder Andrew Gubbins has received a posthumous Order of Australia Medal, recognising his service to the industry and the wider community.
Barongarook volunteer earns national recognition
Barongarook’s Lynette Harris’s 49 years of volunteering and service to women within the region have earned her a coveted Order of Australia Medal.
Cousins both receive Australia Day honour
Two former Cororooke women will receive Order of Australia medals for their service to communities across the country.
Hundreds flock to celebrations
Colac Otway Shire has recognised well-known Colac businessman John Blane as this year’s Citizen of the Year during an Australia Day ceremony yesterday.
New citizens are thrilled to call Colac their home
Colac’s Leoncio Item will strengthen his commitment to life in Australia when he and daughter Hannah become Australian citizens tomorrow.
NEW TEAM: Cricket helps new Aussies feel at home
TWO of the Colac district’s newest Australian citizens say cricket has helped them blossom in their new homes at Apollo Bay.