Farmer sees no way out
A SOUTH-WEST dairy farmer says she sees no way out of the industry’s downturn.
Minister says outlook positive
STATE Agriculture Minister Peter Walsh has described the dairy industry’s outlook as positive after visiting Colac district dairy farms yesterday.
Developer gets behind ‘super farm’ idea
A COLAC property developer is calling on the community to get behind a super farm proposal.
Black ice causing crashes
A COLAC district policeman has urged motorists to beware of black ice on roads after a series of crashes in the region.
Council ignores call for lower rates hike
COLAC’S civic leaders have ignored ratepayers’ pleas for a three-per-cent rate rise, despite admitting future rate rises need to be lower.
Parents’ plea for school bus seat belts
A CAMPAIGNER for seat belts on school buses wants the State Government to make a Colac district bus route a priority.
Party seeking candidate
MAVERICK MP Bob Katter’s political party is searching for a Corangamite candidate and is recruiting members as the 2013 federal election approaches.
Businessman criticises council
A PROMINENT Colac businessman says property owners are paying the price for Colac Otway Shire Council failing to encourage economic growth.