News Colac builders suffer from construction lull A DIRECTOR of a leading Colac construction company says the building industry is “tightening up”. By Alex WhiteJune 13, 2011 Mining application attracts concerns AN APOLLO Bay man says he is “majorly concerned” about a mining company’s plans to explore the region for resources. By Lucinda OrmondeJune 13, 2011 Colac district workers have high health risk A SURVEY has found a majority of Colac district workers are at risk of developing type two diabetes. By Carla OkaiJune 13, 2011 Colac district chefs impress at soup fest COLAC and district cooks have scooped awards at the annual Otway Soup Fest yesterday. By Jennifer ChiuJune 13, 2011 Tourists choose Colac district despite snow season COLAC and district’s tourism sector has defied a strong start to the snow season, with visitors streaming in for the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. By Jennifer ChiuJune 13, 2011 Hospital chief backs community boards COLAC Area Health has stood by its community-based board structure as the best way to deliver health services. By Carla OkaiJune 13, 2011 School principal laments political games A COLAC school principal says he is sick of politicians using education as a “political football”. By Jennifer ChiuJune 13, 2011 Wage rise impact tipped to be small A COLAC financial counsellor says a $19.40 wage rise for Colac’s lowest-paid workers will make a small impact. By Alex WhiteJune 13, 2011 « 1 … 2,284 2,285 2,286 2,287 2,288 2,289 2,290 2,291 2,292 2,293 2,294 … 2,399 »