Support for track in Colac
The campaign for a BMX bike track in Colac is gaining momentum, with Colac BMX mum Rhiannon Young penning an open letter to the Colac Otway Shire Council about the community’s desperate need for a track.
Legacy to live on in Colac under Ted’s watch
Colac Legacy president Ted Ivermee is set to enter his 10th year as president next month and is looking forward to commemorating the 100-year anniversary of Legacy with the centenary torch relay.
Guiding scores of motorists to their licence
Ten years. More than 5000 hours on the road. Scores of young drivers safely behind the wheel.
CDFNL under-18 best-and-fairest top 10
The Colac District Football Netball League crowned its junior best-and-fairest winners for the 2023 at Colac’s RSL tonight.
CDFNL 17-and-under best-and-fairest top 10
The Colac District Football Netball League crowned its junior best-and-fairest winners for the 2023 at Colac’s RSL tonight.
CDFNL 15-and-under best-and-fairest top 10
The Colac District Football Netball League crowned its junior best-and-fairest winners for the 2023 at Colac’s RSL tonight.
CDFNL under-14.5 best-and-fairest top 10
The Colac District Football Netball League crowned its junior best-and-fairest winners for the 2023 at Colac’s RSL tonight.
Events impact calving season
For Deans Marsh beef farmer Richard Morrow and farmers across the region, the start of spring is a crucial time of the year for his herd.