Police and Emergencies
Angels looking after crash victims
Colac’s Heath Armstrong and Emily Cowley say they must have angels looking after them.
Young boozers anger police
Enough is enough! That is the call from Sergeant Janet Gleeson after another weekend of under-age drug and alcohol-fuelled anti-social behaviour on Colac’s streets.
Police called to nightclub fight
Staff at a Colac nightspot called police for help and closed early after a fight early yesterday.
Cuts will hurt recovering addicts
Recovering heroin addicts will have to travel to Geelong for treatment under plans to cut Colac’s methadone funding.
Appeal for death-fall witnesses
Police are looking for witnesses to help their investigation into the death of Colac teenager Ryan Robbins.
Landlords’ drug warning
Colac police have urged landlords to choose their tenants carefully in an effort to curb the number of drug laboratories in rental houses.
Truck leaks acid
Authorities have praised the actions of a truck driver after his vehicle leaked about 200 litres of dangerous acid near Cobden.
Police cracking down on boozers
Police say they will fine people immediately for alcohol-related offences as part of a crackdown on anti-social behaviour in Colac.