Train service change impacts commuters
A COLAC resident says a V-Line timetable change will “essentially be a loss of a service” for people commuting to Geelong for work.
MP supports marriage equality
MARRIAGE equality supporters have praised Corangamite’s Liberal MP Sarah Henderson for backing marriage equality and a conscience vote for Coalition parliamentarians.
Larpent farmers awarded with regional title
LARPENT farmers Mark and Sam Billing have become the inaugural Legendairy Farmers of the Year at an awards ceremony in Colac.
Alvie oak tree sapling has roots at Gallipoli
ALVIE Consolidated School pupils have planted a Gallipolli oak tree to commemorate the Anzac centenary.
Clubs lace up for anti-violence campaign
COLAC TIGERS netballers and footballers are set to wear orange laces in support of an anti-violence campaign.
No opening date for pool redevelopment
COLAC’S Bluewater Fitness Centre redevelopment is unlikely to open by June 30, with Colac Otway Shire Council unable to confirm a completion date.
Road blitz nabs $131,000 in fines
POLICE arrested two people and detected more than $130,000 in fines at a two-day road safety blitz in Colac.
Councillors leave tense Colac Otway meeting
TWO COLAC OTWAY Shire councillors stormed out of a public council meeting this week with one councillor leaving after a colleague called for the police to remove him.